Delayed, lost and damaged baggage

Reporting and tracking baggage

We know how distressing a delayed or damaged bag can be and will do everything in our power to ensure it doesn’t spoil your trip. We return most missing bags to their owners within 72 hours.

Have you received a text message or email from us?

If we know your bag has missed its flight, we’ll send you an email or text message with a missing baggage report number which you can use to track the status of your missing bag.

If you have received one of these notifications, please check your contact details and tell us where to forward your bag:

Check and update your missing baggage report

Missing baggage report number

When you report a problem we’ll give you a missing baggage report number which is a series of five letters and five numbers such as JFKBA12345. This is different to the baggage receipt you were given when checking your bags in. Use this reference to check the status of your bag online and provide us with additional information.

My bag is delayed

If you are still at the airport

Many of our airports have a baggage desk where you can:

  • Raise a delayed baggage report, and
  • Complete any customs declaration forms required.

You can also report your delayed bag yourself directly through our online baggage portal and give us your preferred delivery address. 

If you have already left the airport

Use our baggage portal to report your delayed bag and give us your preferred delivery address.

Delayed bags should be reported within 8 days of your flight.

Baggage portal

My flight is disrupted

If you didn’t travel or your flight was cancelled, and you are leaving the airport without your bags, use our baggage portal and we will send your bags on to you.

You may be contacted to complete a customs form if we return your bags to you in a different country.  

Delayed bags should be reported within 8 days of your flight.

Baggage portal

Report damage to a bag or contents

Including damaged checked baggage and/or missing contents from checked baggage.

  • If you are still at the airport – please report your problem to a member of staff before you leave.
  • If you have already left the airport – please report and claim on the link below.

You must report any damage to checked baggage and/or loss of contents within seven days of receiving your bag.

You should also keep your damaged baggage item as it may be needed to verify and complete your claim.

Report and claim

Check and update your delayed baggage report

If you have already reported your delayed bag and have a delayed baggage report number, you can log into our baggage tracing system to:

  • Check the status of your delayed bag
  • Provide additional details to help us identify your bag
  • Share an AirTag location link if you have one - find out more
  • Update your contact details and forwarding address
Check and update your delayed baggage report

Missing baggage report number

When you report a problem we’ll give you a missing baggage report number which is a series of five letters and five numbers such as JFKBA12345. This is different to the baggage receipt you were given when checking your bags in. Use this reference to check the status of your bag online and provide us with additional information.

Retrieving your bag

As soon as we find your bag, we will return it to you at any address you choose at no charge, subject to local customs requirements.

Clearing customs

You won't have to fill in a custom's declaration form if:

  • You didn’t travel or your flight was cancelled
  • Your journey was entirely within the UK 
  • Your journey was or between the UK and an EU country

Customs when arriving in the UK from outside the UK or EU

  • Within your custom limits

You may need to complete a local customs declaration form before we can return your bag to you. 

If you did this at the airport, you do not need to take any further action.

Otherwise, we’ll contact you to complete the customs declaration, if it is required.

  •  Over your custom limits

You will need to declare your goods yourself through the RED channel at the airport in person.

We will contact you when we have located your bags so that you can do this personally, as we cannot do this on your behalf. Check what you are allowed to bring into the UK.

  • Customs when arriving in other countries

If you travelled from one country to another not in the EU, via the UK/EU, each country has its own customs rules and requirements.

In a few countries, local laws prevent us from forwarding your bag to you in any circumstances and you will need to collect it from the airport, but we’ll tell you if this is the case.

Claims and compensation

If you have experienced a delayed bag or damage to your baggage or contents, you may be entitled to make a claim.

Find out more about what you can claim and how