You First

You First

You First is a service for those who have booked a flight in First that is operated by British Airways. You may also nominate someone else to manage your booking on your behalf by informing the You First team.
We’ll be happy to help you with:
- Travel queries
- Journey disruption
- Mishandled bags
Customer relations queries and more
Call us
You first helpline is open 24 hours per day, seven days a week:
- In the UK - 0800 408 7667
- From overseas - +44 (0) 207 949 3055
Email us
To write to us, please complete and submit your details below.
All items marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed
(excluding country dialling code)
  what is this?

British Airways takes the security of personal data very seriously, as explained in our  Privacy Policy
Please note, as with any standard email, any emails containing your personal data sent to or from British Airways will travel in a non-encrypted format.