Examiner Refresher Seminar for TRE/SFE (Aeroplanes)

The Seminar

Following the implementation of Part-FCL all categories of examiner who require revalidation or renewal of their examiner certificate will need to have attended an examiner refresher seminar within the last 12 months of their validity.

The revalidation and renewal criteria for a TRE certificate mean that an examiner must have :

  • Attended an examiner refresher seminar provided by the competent authority or by an ATO and approved by the competent authority, during the last year of the validity period.
  • Conducted at least two skill test or proficiency checks each year.
  • Conducted a proficiency check/skills test under observation of CAA Inspector or Senior Examiner.

British Airways Flight Training (BAFT) will be conducting a one-day examiner refresher seminar which will enable a delegate examiner to fulfil these requirements of Part-FCL 1025(b)(2). The seminar will include:

  • An update on applicable CAA standard documents and additional guidance material.
  • Revision of relevant forms.
  • Update on Standards Document 24 process and CAA information notices.
  • Regulatory and legal requirements.

The course can also be attended by European, non-UK Examiners who will be conducting proficiency checks or skills tests for the holders of UK issued EASA licences. You will be given a completion certificate after the end of the course.

Payment for the seminar is in advance. Confirmation and joining instructions will be sent once payment has been taken. Bookings are non-refundable.

For further information please contact flight.training@ba.com