Children-Helping street children build a better futureBritish Airways


Street Children
BA Action for Street Children logo

Imagine yourself as a young child again...perhaps around six years old - you are young, full of innocence and hope and then through no fault of your own your whole world falls apart.

Your family support breaks down, due to the influence of drugs, alcohol or extreme poverty, you find yourself abused or neglected by the very people who should be looking out for you and finally you are either pushed out of the family home or leave of your own accord because home life is intolerable.

You are lost and alone on the streets, hungry, frightened and vulnerable to horrific abuse. Can any of us begin to imagine what that experience is like for a child?

For millions of children all around the world this experience is a reality. It is estimated that there are over 140 million children in the world today either living or working on the streets.

Action for Street Children are supporting the projects that are directly working with many of the worlds street living and street working children.

Something that may surprise you........

Did you know that a United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child exists? It lists 54 rights and includes the rights to Life, Identity, To Play and Free Time, Protection From Being Hurt, Violence, Abuse and Neglect...we need only recognise that the very need for such a Convention to exist, speaks volumes about the lives of millions of children on our planet today.

